
How do I Start Working as a Virtual Assistant in the Philippines?

Updated on : 26 Jul 2024

More and more Filipinos have now chosen to get remote work than regular office jobs. The pandemic and strict lockdowns caused the explosive rise of workers choosing to work from home.

But with the reopening of societies and slow return to normal, many workers are no longer ecstatic to return to the offices. Many working professionals have now found working from home more worthwhile.

I understand the appeal that comes with working from home. 

For starters, you're getting rid of the depressing commute that many had to endure. And second the massive savings one can accumulate from transportation to lunch money spent in the office cafeteria.

You may be searching for how to become a virtual assistant. Well, you're not alone. 

Thousands of Filipinos are now looking for ways to transition and find an online. And becoming a virtual assistant in the Philippines is something many have eyed as their window to this exciting industry.

Virtual assistants are currently one of the most in-demand professions. It is partly due to the fast development of internet enterprises. 

Owners and managers realize that they don't require someone to be physically close to doing administrative tasks. You can do everything online. 

Therefore, they've now grown comfortable with virtual assistants. Staff can directly deliver results and complete tasks without leaving the comfort of their homes.  

Virtual assistants accomplish things and help businesses through the internet. It may range from making calls to arranging for your employer's appointments to complex documentation and report preparation.

If that sounds good to you, continue reading as we will give you an absolute answer to the most frequently asked question, "How do I start working as a virtual assistant in the Philippines?"

Know Which Kind of Virtual Assistant Services Can You Offer

The second most-often-asked question that aspiring virtual assistants ask would be the types of services they may provide. The reality is that there's no definitive list of tasks that a virtual assistant does. 

Making a choice is a stumbling block for many new virtual assistants. 

The good news is that this doesn't have to be the case. 

There's no regulation that states you must adhere to a single service offering once you begin. Being a virtual assistant does not have a hard and fast rule.

When most people consider standard virtual assistance services, they see checking email management, answering phone calls, maintaining their employer's schedule, and providing other remote administrative support. 

In reality, a virtual assistant is anybody who can assist with work from the comfort of your home. It implies that you will provide services to match your employer's needs as a contractor or self-employed individual. 

We've compiled a list of popular virtual assistant services to serve as a starting point. 

You're almost sure to discover something that appeals to potential employers based on your skills or expertise along the way. 

The following are a few examples: 

  • Social media management
  • Data entry
  • Editing videos
  • Lead generation
  • Email management
  • Customer support
  • Processing online orders and refunds
  • Community management and moderation
  • Project management
  • Creating sales pages
  • Managing product launches
  • Website design
  • WordPress maintenance
  • Graphic design and layout
  • Calendar management and travel arrangements
  • Editing and proofreading
  • Transcription
  • Content creation for blogs and ghostwriting
  • Content research
  • Keyword research
  • Bookkeeping

Remember that every virtual assistant provides a unique set of services. Consider your strengths and tailor your offerings accordingly. 

The expertise you provide employers may be administrative, technical, or marketing-related. Virtual assistants often offer to answer phones, maintain email and social media accounts, research, arrange appointments, and pay bills.

You may also offer more specialized and technical services. You can be a virtual assistant that only offers finance-related services like bookkeeping, tax preparation, or generating financial statements.

The ideal course of action, particularly when starting, is to specialize in a niche and provide your service to businesses or companies that need them. 

By establishing yourself as an expert in your field, your rates will increase. You'll be charging comfortable rates that may lead to financial freedom in time.

Ways to Look For Virtual Assistant Jobs in the Philippines

Becoming a virtual assistant may seem to be a lot of work. There may be a few steps you'll need to take to land your first ever online job. 

It will only take one opportunity for you to be part of the remote work industry officially. And you must make the most out of this opportunity.

You'll need to understand the duties you'll be doing and how to execute them effectively. Once you've understood the responsibilities, you'll be ready to start job hunting. 

First, you'll have to create your profile. It will be a potential employer's window to your skills and what you can offer. Afterward, search for jobs from reputable online jobs marketplace. 

Here are the best ways to start your virtual assistant career in the Philippines.

1. Start with a freelancing website or jobs marketplace.

You may search for virtual assistant positions on freelancing websites and online jobs marketplaces. Create your profile and post your skills and qualifications. Since this is an online job, you must establish your online presence and professional portfolio to showcase potential employers. 

2. Apply for jobs with virtual assistant platforms.

Using a virtual assistant service platform makes it easier for beginners or newbie virtual assistants to land a job. You may apply to any job postings there. 

The VA service platform will contact you if you're one of the shortlisted applicants based on your skills and expertise. Then, you'll get a chance to be interviewed by potential employers and undergo a screening process. Then, once hired, you will start your VA work either part-time or full-time.

3. Check and browse career websites.

Another strategy is to look for VA positions through career websites. More and more companies are now opening slots for flexible and work-from-home jobs.

Career websites provide many available positions. Most could be regular on-location jobs. But you can sift through all the job postings, and you'll come across work positions from traditional employers that are turned into remote work. 

4. Search Facebook groups for job vacancies.

Sometimes, businesses are reluctant to pay a third-party service to recruit and vet virtual assistants. They prefer to find virtual assistants on their own or via recommendations in Facebook groups. 

There are many dedicated Facebook groups and social media communities where you can apply for virtual assistant positions. But verification and establishing authenticity could be challenging.

So it would be best if you heightened your skepticism on some too-good-to-be-true offers. So you have to be careful not to get entangled with scams and unscrupulous employers.

If you want to work as a virtual assistant for food bloggers, join several Facebook groups and wait for someone to inquire if they know of any excellent virtual assistants. Apply and offer your services. 

But keep an eye out for fraudsters and always double-check the group's regulations.

To be safe, use a reputable and trustworthy remote jobs marketplace and outsourcing platforms that offer properly vetted jobs and provide free training, clear guidelines, and protection for job seekers and employers.

Start Your Virtual Assistant Career With offers a plethora of free information for Filipino virtual assistants. To become a virtual assistant and start earning, register a free account and use our reputable outsourcing platform to search for well-paying virtual assistant jobs that match your skills and talents.

For years now, has been at the forefront of the remote work industry in the Philippines. We constantly innovate to offer a better user experience for aspiring virtual assistants.

Becoming a virtual assistant will change your life. Start your journey now and make that first step toward financial freedom and the highly coveted work-life balance.


If you want to succeed as a virtual assistant, the ideal strategy is to offer as much value as possible. Make yourself an indispensable staff of your employer's business operation. 

Once you've secured a job, ensure that you adhere to your commitments and timeframes. 

Being responsive to your employer's demands is critical for keeping your job. It will also lead to a more long-term working relationship, thereby ensuring your income while working from home. 

Shelumiel Ryan Abapo
A CPA lawyer from the Philippines who currently serves as Chief Financial Officer of He landed his first online when he was still a student and learned first hand the struggles of remote work.

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