
Unlocking Productivity: The Unconventional Guide to Building a Remote Team

Updated on : 10 Sep 2024

The Myths of Remote Work: Busted

You've heard it all before. The naysayers proclaim, "Remote work? It'll never be as effective as the traditional office setup." But let's set the record straight—many of these myths are just that: myths.

Myth 1: "Remote Teams Lack Productivity"

Wrong. Remote teams can achieve and often surpass the productivity levels of in-office teams. Why? Because remote work eliminates countless hours wasted in commutes and unscheduled meetings, allowing for deep, focused work sessions. With the right strategies in place, your remote team in the Philippines can become a productivity powerhouse.

Myth 2: "Communication Suffers in Remote Teams"

Not quite. In fact, remote teams can excel in communication, thanks to modern tools and platforms designed to keep everyone connected. Regular check-ins, clear guidelines, and the right tech stack mean that your team can communicate and collaborate effectively, no matter where they are in the world.

Myth 3: "Building Company Culture is Impossible Remotely"

False. Building a strong company culture remotely requires intentionality and creativity. Virtual coffee breaks, online team-building exercises, and open communication channels can foster a sense of belonging and teamwork just as effectively as any in-office perk.

Why the Philippines?

Now, why the Philippines, you might ask? Let's dive into what makes this country a goldmine for remote talent:

1. Exceptional English Proficiency: The Philippines has one of the highest levels of English proficiency in Asia, making communication seamless.

2. Cultural Compatibility: Filipinos are known for their adaptability and have a cultural affinity with Western standards and practices, making integration into your team smooth and natural.

3. Outstanding Work Ethic: Filipino workers are renowned for their dedication, hard work, and loyalty, attributes that every employer values.

4. Cost Efficiency: Yes, building a team in the Philippines is cost-effective. But it's not just about saving money; it's about investing in quality talent that can drive your business forward.

By dispelling the myths and highlighting the unique advantages of the Philippines, we lay the groundwork for a successful remote team setup. In the next sections, we'll explore how to harness these benefits to build a remote team that not only meets but exceeds your expectations.

The Secret Sauce: Crafting Your Elite Remote Team

Unlocking Productivity: The Unconventional Guide to Building a Remote Team

Imagine waking up to a business that has not only survived the night but thrived—tasks completed, projects pushed forward, and your email inbox filled with updates and not just spam. This isn't a dream; it's the reality for those who dare to venture into building a remote team in the Philippines. But how do you make this your reality?

Step 1: Casting the Net Wide

The first shocker? The talent pool in the Philippines is vast and varied, filled with highly skilled professionals hungry for opportunities to showcase their talents. From tech wizards to creative geniuses, the depth of talent available is staggering. The key is knowing where to look and casting your net wide. Platforms like are treasure troves of talent waiting to be discovered.

Step 2: The Interview Process—Going Beyond the Resume

Here’s where many get it wrong. They stop at the resume. Big mistake. The secret? Dive deeper. Conduct video interviews, set up practical tasks, or even have casual conversations to gauge not just the skill but the personality and cultural fit. Remember, you're not just hiring an employee; you're inviting a new member into your business family.

Step 3: Onboarding Like a Boss

Shockingly, many businesses overlook the power of a solid onboarding process. This is your moment to set the tone. A well-structured onboarding program introduces your new remote team member to the company culture, expectations, and the tools they’ll need to succeed. It’s not just about paperwork; it’s about making them feel welcomed, valued, and prepared.

Step 4: Cultivating Connection and Communication

Here's the controversial part: remote work doesn't hinder connection; it redefines it. Weekly virtual meet-ups, one-on-one check-ins, and open digital channels can create a sense of belonging stronger than any physical office space could. It’s about building bridges, not walls.

Step 5: Embracing the Results-Only Work Environment (ROWE)

Prepare to be awed. Shifting from watching the clock to measuring results can unleash a wave of productivity you didn't know was possible. This approach challenges traditional work norms and trusts your team to deliver on their commitments, fostering a culture of responsibility and high performance.

The Result? A High-Performing Remote Team

The culmination of these steps is not just a remote team but a high-performing unit that propels your business to new heights. We're talking about a team that's not only efficient and productive but also deeply connected to your mission and values. A team that's cost-effective yet priceless in terms of the value they bring.

The benefits are clear: unparalleled talent, increased productivity, and significant cost savings. This is not a fleeting trend; it's the future of work, and it's happening now. By embracing these strategies, you’re not just adapting; you're leading the charge.

The Financial Revolution: Real Numbers, Real Impact

Unlocking Productivity: The Unconventional Guide to Building a Remote Team

When I say "Let's talk numbers," I'm not talking about pennies and dimes. I'm talking about the kind of savings that can fundamentally transform your business. Imagine slashing your operational costs by up to 70% while simultaneously boosting productivity. Sounds like a fantasy? It's anything but.

Millions in Savings: Not Just a Promise, But a Reality

I've witnessed businesses save millions—yes, you read that right, millions—by building their teams in the Philippines. Take a logistics company from the USA, for example. With over 30 staff hired through our platform,, their CFO reported savings of over $3 million in less than 2-3 years. It's not just impressive; it's revolutionary.

A No-Brainer Investment for Entrepreneurs

Every day, thousands of entrepreneurs, coaches, realtors, and FBA business owners discover the game-changing benefits of hiring virtual assistants through With salaries ranging from around $400-$500 to $600 and $800 per month, the decision isn't just smart—it's a no-brainer.

If you're from the USA, do this as an annual figure, and then compare it to what you're paying someone currently to do the same thing. You'll be shocked, you'll do the figures twice because you'll think you've made a mistake.,

When I first learned I could do this 10+ years ago, I got excited like you've never seen before. I mean, my accountant thought I was the second coming of Christ when he saw the numbers. 

My accountant thought I'd rewritten "The Book of PROFITS", I mean, when he saw the numbers, he thought, this boy has to be the second coming. Building an unconventional but super profitable remote team in the Philippines is the holy grail that will make you more profitable than ever before.

Expect to Save Up to 80% on Employee Costs

You're probably thinking, "But really, how much can I save?" Let me put it bluntly: you can save up to 80% on employee costs. This isn't a hopeful estimate; it's a fact borne out of countless success stories from our platform.

Beyond Savings: Reinvesting in Your Growth

What makes these savings even more compelling is what you can do with them. This isn't about pocketing the difference and calling it a day. It's about reinvesting in your business—pouring resources into growth initiatives, marketing, R&D, or expanding your offerings. It's about making strategic moves that were previously out of reach due to budget constraints.

The Bottom Line

The financial case for building a remote team in the Philippines is irrefutable. We're talking about transformative savings that can supercharge your business's growth and competitiveness. And with, you're not navigating this journey alone. You're leveraging a platform that connects you with top-tier talent, ready to drive your business forward.

In essence, building a remote team in the Philippines isn't just a cost-saving strategy; it's a growth strategy. One that countless business owners have already capitalized on, witnessing their operations expand and thrive in ways they never thought possible.

The Future Is Here: Are You Ready to Lead?

As we've journeyed through the ins and outs of building a remote team in the Philippines, one thing has become crystal clear: the future of work isn't on the horizon; it's already here. It's in the businesses that operate around the clock, in the entrepreneurs who save millions while scaling their operations, and in the teams that thrive on flexibility, innovation, and unparalleled productivity.

The question isn't whether you can afford to build a remote team. It's whether you can afford not to.

In a world where efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and talent accessibility are paramount, building a remote team in the Philippines isn't just a strategic advantage—it's a business imperative. And with, this imperative becomes a reality.

Your Turnkey Solution to Unlocking Global Talent

For just $99/month, you're not just accessing a platform; you're unlocking a world of possibilities. With an expansive network of 1,000,000+ professionals, offers you the keys to:

  • Onboard, manage, and effortlessly pay your team with Philippines compliant contracts — all at the click of a button.
  • Tap into a vast pool of top-tier talent ready to propel your business to new heights.
  • Reinvest your savings into growth initiatives that can transform your business landscape.

Join Today and be part of the vanguard of businesses that don't just adapt to the future—they define it.

The Choice Is Yours

The leap from traditional to remote isn't just a change in where work happens; it's a fundamental shift in how work is done. It's about embracing a future where your business is unbound by geography, energized by cost savings, and empowered by talent that rivals any in-house team.

As we close this guide, remember: the future of your business isn't written in the stars—it's waiting to be shaped by your decisions today. Are you ready to make the leap? Are you ready to lead?

Transform Your Business with

Michael Brodie

Meet Michael Brodie, the go-to expert in outsourcing and the driving force behind—widely celebrated as "The Philippines Outsourcing Marketplace."

For over a decade, Michael's insights have transformed businesses. He's enabled entrepreneurs to optimize operations, slash overheads, and amplify growth. How? By tapping into the power of Virtual Assistants and dedicated teams from the Philippines.

But for Michael, it's more than just business. By nurturing his own teams in the Philippines, he's not only spearheaded multiple successful ventures but has also carved out quality time for himself.

Secrets of a Virtual Boss

Build a Team in the Philippines

The easy way to hire Filipino virtual assistants and build an outsourced team in the Philippines.

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