
Remote Work Perks That Go Beyond the Paycheck: Keeping Your Team Happy

Updated on : 21 Aug 2024

Remote work has become more common lately because of both the COVID-19 pandemic and the continuous improvements in technology that allow people to work from anywhere. If you run a remote-friendly business and want to keep your best employees happy, you need to offer more than just a paycheck. While traditional offices have perks like free food and gyms, those don't work for remote teams.

To keep your remote workers happy and loyal, consider offering them special benefits and perks. Here are 8 ideas to help you build a strong and satisfied remote team.

1. Provide Technology To Your Employees

Enhance your remote team's capabilities with technology. By shifting to remote work, you can save money on office expenses like rent, furniture, and supplies. Reinvest some of these savings into technology for your employees. For instance, consider providing new laptops, monitors, or even high-speed internet connections.

In addition to equipping your team with the necessary tools, standardizing technology can lead to savings through multiple software licenses and improved security measures.
Think about offering an annual allowance for technology or equipment, or covering a portion of one-time purchases. For example, you could contribute up to 70% or $1,000 towards each team member's new computer or laptop.

2. Invest In A Workspace For Your Employees

Remote Work Perks That Go Beyond the Paycheck: Keeping Your Team Happy

Remote workers have the freedom to work from anywhere. However, the quality of their workspace greatly influences their effectiveness. Poor posture, distractions, and messy environments can hinder productivity. Investing in a properly designed workspace with a desk and chair can make a significant difference.

Help your employees to work comfortably and efficiently by offering a home office upgrade allowance. This budget can be used for essentials like room dividers, ergonomic chairs, and standing desks.

3. Prioritize Mental Health Support

Today, discussing mental health is becoming less taboo, with people feeling more comfortable opening up without fear of judgment. With that being said, ensuring your employees feel supported and valued includes addressing their mental health needs.

As a matter of fact, many find solace in workplaces that prioritize well-being over just a paycheck. Recognizing that stressed or overwhelmed employees can't perform at their best, companies are increasingly implementing mental health support programs.

These initiatives range from granting mental health days, and extra paid leave for employees to recharge when feeling overwhelmed. Encouraging your team to take time off to care for their mental well-being fosters a healthy work environment—an invaluable perk highly sought after by employees.

4. Show Appreciation for Remote Employees' Families

While health and vacation perks are valuable, extending benefits to your employees' families can improve even greater loyalty. Some companies offer educational assistance for employees' children.

If your budget doesn't allow for this level of support, consider sending birthday or anniversary gifts to the spouses and families of your remote team members. It's a thoughtful gesture that demonstrates your recognition of their support system.

5. Arrange Annual Meetups and Gatherings for Remote Employees

Remote Work Perks That Go Beyond the Paycheck: Keeping Your Team Happy

Building trust and fostering teamwork is crucial for remote teams. That's why nearly all remote companies plan annual meetups or events where employees can come together and bond with colleagues in person. Whether it's a large gathering with the entire team or smaller meetups with individual teams, these events promote stronger collaboration and teamwork.

6. Flexible PTO and Compressed Workweeks

Embracing the shorter workweek trend is becoming increasingly popular in the business world. Employees who complete their usual tasks in four days instead of five gain an extra day off while maintaining their regular work hours.

While it may not suit everyone, many employees appreciate the chance to pursue hobbies or further their education. Offering unlimited PTO policies further empowers employees to take time off as needed without the worry of depleting their vacation days.

This flexibility can range from extended weekends to longer breaks for travel or relaxation. It's important, however, to monitor productivity and adjust policies accordingly.

7. Provide Vacation Perks for Your Remote Team

Taking time away from work can significantly reduce stress and enhance productivity. That's why many companies actively encourage their employees to prioritize vacations. While most employers offer paid vacation time, some go the extra mile by providing their employees with a stipend to cover some or all of the expenses associated with taking a trip.

8. Encourage Continuous Growth

Remote Work Perks That Go Beyond the Paycheck: Keeping Your Team Happy

Fostering a culture of continuous learning among your remote team is invaluable for the growth of your business. Provide avenues for professional development through organized training programs or individualized options such as books, webinars, or courses. 

Empowering employees to enhance their skills enriches their capabilities and cultivates a more agile and competitive workforce, ultimately benefiting your organization's success.

Why It Is Important To Provide Benefits and Perks for Remote Workers

While remote work offers numerous advantages such as flexibility and comfort, offering additional benefits and perks to remote employees remains vital. Here’s why:

  • Competitive Edge: In today’s competitive job market, remote work is increasingly common. According to Buffer’s State of Remote Work report, 71 percent of companies surveyed allow some form of telecommuting. Providing benefits and perks can make your company stand out and attract top talent who prefer remote positions with comprehensive offerings.
  • Consistency: Standardizing work technology and environment for remote employees ensures they have the necessary tools to meet expectations and fosters better communication among team members.
  • Fairness: If you provide computer equipment and software for in-office staff, it’s only fair to offer the same support to remote workers. Expecting them to cover these expenses themselves is unjust.
  • Countering Isolation: Remote work can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness. Offering face-to-face opportunities, recognizing special occasions, and providing mental health benefits can help alleviate these challenges.
  • Valuing Employees: Without regular in-person interactions, remote workers may feel overlooked. A robust benefits package demonstrates that they are valued members of the team, enhancing company culture and fostering engagement.
  • Boosting Productivity: Engaged employees are more productive. Proactively reaching out to remote workers, demonstrating care for their well-being, and keeping them informed about available benefits can enhance their sense of appreciation and productivity.
  • Reducing Turnover: Providing creative perks enhances job satisfaction, leading to higher retention rates. This results in a well-trained, experienced workforce, reduced recruitment costs, and lower expenses associated with onboarding new employees.

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Remote Work Perks That Go Beyond the Paycheck: Keeping Your Team Happy

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